The 3rd High School Fictional Litigation Competition was completed with the final round held on Saturday, April 2, 2022. The 5 teams that made it to the finals performed within the framework of the "Final Round Litigation Subject" determined by the Istanbul Kültür University Faculty of Law.
As a result of the performances evaluated by Assist. Prof. Yasemin Saygılar Kırıt, one of the academicians of the Faculty of Law, Vuslat Dirim, Head of the 6th Penal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals and the Head of the Human Rights Commission of the Supreme Court of Appeals, who took part in the final round jury of the competition, Member of the 7th Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation and Istanbul Anatolian Former Chief Prosecutor Fehmi Tosun, Istanbul Kültür University Vocational School of Justice Director Prof. Dr. Durmuş Tezcan and the winner of the competition was the Justice team from Kadıköy Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School.
While the Eşitlik (2) and Özgürlük (3) teams from Kadıköy Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School came in second and third places of the competition, the teams of Adalet-i Mahza and ‘Adaletin Işığında’ from the Governor Muammer Güler Social Sciences High School won the 4th and 5th honorable mentions. they are entitled to receive. While the first team was given a cash prize of 12 thousand TL and a tablet gift for each team member, the second place team was given a cash prize of 6 thousand TL and the third place was given a monetary award of 3 thousand TL. The teams that were entitled to receive honorable mention in the 4th and 5th places were given a monetary award of 1,500 TL each.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Bahri Öztürk, Dean of IKU Faculty of Law, said, "We have been holding the Fictional Litigation Competition for 3 years. There is great interest. Our aim is to raise legal awareness at the high school level and to highlight the desire of the student to become a lawyer. It is called 'generation Z', we hope that the 'generation of lawyers' will be added here. But while doing this, the world has two important agendas right now, the first is climate change and the second is digitalization. We especially try to motivate high school students about digitalization. Therefore, we want to create an environment where they can grow according to the needs of the day.”
Explaining that he has many criteria, Bahri Öztürk said, “At first, 61 high schools from all over Turkey applied to the competition, 40 teams participated. Each team consists of 5 people, all of them more successful and qualified than the other. We see that the students have embraced this job, they are seriously prepared. Two of our jury members were members of the Supreme Court and the other was a professor of criminal law. Performing in front of such a jury is not easy, even for law school students, but the high school students put on a performance that was admired. We determined the cases and gave them to the teams. We gave one event to each team in the handout rounds. Everyone tried that event, and we gave a different event in the final. Students present their opinions on this event as a result of their research. We have many criteria. The behavior of the judge, prosecutor and lawyer is an important criterion. What is important for us here is that our student can make a legal assessment. 5 teams from 40 high schools made it to the finals. Two teams from a high school are competing, they are very successful.”